Nearby Thornham
Visiting Thornham
Thornham has changed greatly in the last two hundred years. The population was around 800 in the mid 19th Century but today there are, perhaps, 200 fully occupied and owned properties – the rest are holiday homes. Tourism and oysters are major money-spinners.
Nobody knows for sure the purpose of the famous old stumps of the harbour, but they look as if they had a defensive purpose. If you walk from the harbour to the beach you will see many more modern posts on the beach, the function of which is to delay erosion of the sand dunes which are such a lovely feature of the area.
This is butterfly heaven, with Large Whites, Peacocks and Red Admirals.
Extract taken From ‘Norfolk – Exploring the Land of Wide Skies’
by Stephen Browning and Daniel Tink

Photo copyright Daniel Tink © 2006-2015. Terms and Conditions Apply
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